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Sovereign Economic System

Ours Structure

The lives of men have always been closely linked to the exchange of goods and services. Such trade has long been known as trade. The latter presupposes the use of an instrument, commonly accepted, to facilitate the trade itself, through the attribution of a nominal value, linked or not to a countervalue.

For example, before 1971 the nominal value of banknotes in circulation was guaranteed by the possession of certain quantities of gold. As a result of Bretton Woods' international agreements on trade and financial relations, physical money in circulation was released from its gold counterpart, becoming a currency with no countervalue, but accepted only on the basis of user confidence in issuers, which legitimized its use.

The SES projects us into the future through a new economic paradigm, where the creation of value is the prerogative of the individual who, no longer depending on third parties, frees himself from the condition of blackmail and slavery and puts himself in a position to fully express his talents for its full realization and for the welfare of the entire community, inalienable human rights!

well-being of each individual


Just as the quantity and speed of blood circulation guarantees the proper functioning of organs and the health of the human body, the money supply circulating in society guarantees the well-being of each individual.



Trade, therefore, is based on the circulation of commonly accepted, and therefore legitimate, currencies, such as the euro, which do not belong to communities, as it should be, but to private banks and credit institutions. These entities use money, created from nothing (without countervalue), as an instrument of blackmail and slavery of the entire human race, through seigniorage (primary and secondary), forcing individuals to a form of perennial subjection.



However, unlike what happens in the human body, where the bone marrow provides autonomously for the reintegration of the blood in case of shortage, and where, always autonomously, the heart guarantees the fluidity of the blood circulation, society does not provide autonomously for the production and correct circulation of the appropriate quantity of monetary mass, availing itself for this reason of external bodies that hold the power of emission and control over the circulation.

Economic System

In the service of man and not vice versa

Il SES, basandosi sull’etica, sulla fiducia e soprattutto sulla proprietà del valore, ripone le basi di riavvio dell’economia, quindi, della riabilitazione del “corpo” sociale.

"The economic system must serve man and not the other way around!"


Sovereign Economic System

The Solution

The SES (Sovereign Economic System) is a real blood transfusion with new plasma input into society. This corporate body, heavily debilitated first by a financial crisis and then by a corrupt and enslaved political will, needs resuscitation. The SES is the new economic paradigm, the system that puts Man back at the centre and gives him back ownership and control of the value deriving from him and corresponding to him.

Since there is no obligation to use a fiat currency (euro), but rather its acceptance by tacit consent, it is essential to be clear in mind that whatever system is intended to be used, this depends solely on the trust that individuals place in the system itself.

Sovereign Economic System

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